This section give's control over the deposits (Internal or external) of Crypto currencies.
Deposit request can be created by any user with a an approved wallet registered in the system.
To create a deposit, a valid deposit address must be saved in the DB.
Admin logged in - can see and control deposits of all the system's users.
User logged in - can see and control it's own deposits.
Deposits are for Crypto only, this section will show all deposits customers done,
as it is crypto deposits we are define deposit as crypto transfer from customer personal wallet (white listed) to the system defined wallets.
you must first call "api/deposits/:currency/address" in order to get deposit address
Returnes a list of deposits in the system available deposit status
- pending (waiting for the blockchain update)
- completed (the transfer happen on the blockchain)
{- "api_message": "<string>",
- "api_data": {
- "last_at": "<datetime string>",
- "total_items": 1,
- "deposits": [
- {
- "id": "<string>",
- "user_id": "<string>",
- "from_address": "<string>",
- "to_address": "<string>",
- "amount": 1,
- "currency": "<string>",
- "type": "<string>",
- "action": "<string>",
- "status": "<string>",
- "match": true,
- "tx_hash": "<string>",
- "ip": "<string>",
- "created_by_id": "<string>",
- "created_at": "<string>",
- "updated_at": "<string>",
- "wallet_id": "<string>",
- "address": "<string>",
- "wallet_updated_at": "<datetime string>",
- "wallet_created_at": "<datetime string>",
- "source": "<API request>"
Create new deposit request.
* If you get "The field not found" it means the address doesn't exist for this user *
Unprocessable Content
{- "action": "DEPOSIT",
- "amount": 1,
- "currency": "TBTC",
- "from_address": "bc1qxy2kgdygjrsqtzq2n0yrf2493p83kkfjhx0wlh",
- "to_address": "2Mwc6wXzvoJze7y92Edm66E4fMV1fH6FPKQ"
{- "api_message": "<string>",
- "api_data": null
Returns an active wallet address for the currency provided in the route url.
If a user has aleady requested an address, it will return the address from the system db,
otherwise a new address will be created per user per symbol and per wallet provider
Internal Server Error
{- "api_message": "<string>",
- "api_data": {
- "address": "<string>"
Returns deposit address registered in the system which will be monitoring in the blockchain.
Requires to provide external_transaction_id which is sent in POST deposits/{currency}/address/guest and token which is
the response of the POST request.
The internal system will store an address which was sent to a client related to the external_transaction_id and monitor it in the blockchain for any incoming transactions.
On any treansaction's status update the nodemonitor will send webhook to a client with updated payload.
Here the explanation of the webhook URL and payload : Webhook URL: Is a client's endpoint where deposit's confirmations will be sent to. Payload: body of the webhook request sending to a client. Payload example: payload: { tx_hash: 0x28522ec98fad366a3ceacde9f76a8d41a18a951c25be6f44a72a93ec3ad49b78, amount: "0.5678", from_address: "0x30bfa10caae4052d468b7a7428efbcfcf37f42ba", to_address: "0x106e3a70216396672d54e0b5fb153e420d0877e9", currency: "ETH", confirmed: true; confirmations: 861, } tx_hash: is a transaction_hash/id of the transaction confirmed: true/false value depending on the statuss of the tx on the moment of the webhook confirmations: number of the confirmations/confirmed blocks in the blockhain on the moment of the webhook. The system will observe sent deposit addresses for a tx’s status changes i.e: when system will catch a transaction and if it is not confirmed yet in the blockchain - the confirmed payload property will be “false” and once it confirmed the service will send the webhook again with updated status.
Internal Server Error
{- "api_message": "DEPOSIT_GET_ADDRESS_SUCCESS",
- "api_data": {
- "address": "0x106E3A70216396672d54E0B5fb153e420D0877E9"
Returns token needed for next requesting deposit address for a client.
Bad Request
Internal Server Error
{- "api_message": "DEPOSIT_POST_SUCCESS",
- "api_data": {
- "token": "WDdmKzQzMURPUFU9"
Returns the status of the requested deposit address
Bad Request
Internal Server Error
{- "api_message": "DEPOSIT_GET_STATUS_SUCCESS",
- "api_data": {
Returns a list of pending external withdrawals.
{- "api_message": "<string>",
- "api_data": {
- "last_at": "<datetime string>",
- "total_items": 1,
- "deposits": [
- {
- "id": "<string>",
- "user_id": "<string>",
- "from_address": "<string>",
- "to_address": "<string>",
- "amount": 1,
- "currency": "<string>",
- "type": "<string>",
- "action": "<string>",
- "status": "<string>",
- "match": true,
- "tx_hash": "<string>",
- "ip": "<string>",
- "created_by_id": "<string>",
- "created_at": "<string>",
- "updated_at": "<string>",
- "wallet_id": "<string>",
- "address": "<string>",
- "wallet_updated_at": "<datetime string>",
- "wallet_created_at": "<datetime string>"
Returns full details on the provided deposit request.
{- "api_message": "<string>",
- "api_data": {
- "deposits": {
- "id": "<string>",
- "user_id": "<string>",
- "from_address": "<string>",
- "to_address": "<string>",
- "amount": 1,
- "currency": "<string>",
- "type": "<string>",
- "action": "<string>",
- "status": "<string>",
- "match": true,
- "tx_hash": "<string>",
- "ip": "<string>",
- "created_by_id": "<string>",
- "created_at": "<string>",
- "updated_at": "<string>",
- "wallet_id": "<string>",
- "address": "<string>",
- "wallet_updated_at": "<datetime string>",
- "wallet_created_at": "<datetime string>",
- "source": "<API request>"
Create new fiat deposit.
The payload's object explanation:
UUID: Crymbo's internal user id
CID: External user id
currency: USD/EUR
amount:: new balance
balance: previous balance
Unprocessable Content
{- "UUID": "Y0ZuTVFCNnl6S3dxNDBnaTdqc1VpUT09",
- "CID": "SOME-CID",
- "currency": "USD",
- "amount": "",
- "balance": ""
{- "api_message": "<string>",
- "api_data": {
- "deposit_id": "<string>"